Links for Testing

Section 9.6. Nomination by Petition of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) bylaws allows candidates for moderator, president, and positions on elected boards, committees, and commissions to run by petition. The yearly deadline by which petitions must be received is May 1 of the election year.

Altogether, the documents linked below compose a total petition packet which must be filed by a potential candidate, in full, on or before the yearly deadline.

Petition Forms for Moderator and President

For Potential Candidates

For Congregations Supporting Potential Candidates

Petition Forms for Elected Positions on Boards, Committees, and Commissions

For Potential Candidates

For Individuals Supporting the Petition of Potential Candidates

For Reference and Further Reading

  1. Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021…
  2. Fox News spent 2021 mainstreaming the white supremacist “great replacement” theory…
  3. Two Georgia election workers sue far-right website over false fraud allegations…
  4. Anatomy of a death threat
  5. Two Georgia election workers targeted by Trump sue far-right conspiracy site Gateway Pundit for defamation…
  6. Despite Diverse Demographics, Most Politicians Are Still White Men…
  7. Why state legislatures are still very white—and very male…
  8. Racial, ethnic diversity increases yet again with the 117th Congress…
  9. State Supreme Court Diversity: April 2021 Update…
  10. The Gavel Gap: Who Sit In Judgement On State Courts?…
  11. Rep. Paul Gosar shared an anime video of himself killing AOC. This was her response…
  12. Ilhan Omar airs death threat and presses Republicans on ‘anti-Muslim hatred’…
  13. Let America Be America Again by Langston Hughes
  14. Opinion: 3 retired generals: The military must prepare now for a 2024 insurrection…

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