Empty Elements
This page has lots of empty <span> elements and some other code problems like two spaces between sentences; empty paragraphs; or a comma, space, or period at the end of a link.
Let’s start with getting up to speed on using Zoom—both the basic and the advanced features. Zoom: Basic to Advanced video by First Unitarian Church of Baltimore is an excellent introduction. The video is an hour long and will cover most of the things you need to know about how to use the tools on Zoom for a congregational worship service.
Here is the accompanying PowerPoint presentation. Here's a valid use of an nbsp (between the area code and number): (123) 456-7890
- If your congregation streams to Facebook, please review this tutorial,
- If your congregation streams to YouTube, please review this tutorial.
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Then, let’s look at how two congregations set up their Zoom hosting responsibilities:
Table Coming Up
Organizationally, there are two basic orientations to how to structure your volunteers for worship on Zoom.
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Of course, most congregations far somewhere along a spectrum from very few to very many people, and there is not one thing that will work everywhere. The question is, what works for your congregation. Here is an exercise to help you figure out what your congregation needs, and how you fit into that personally.
For answers to some of the questions we have received, and links to lots of other ways to get help, see this slide presentation, created by Chanel Gomez.