Andreas Karelas

Andreas Karelas is the founder and executive director of RE-volv, a nonprofit organization that empowers people around the country to help nonprofits in their communities go solar and raise awareness about the benefits of clean energy. He is a dedicated clean-energy advocate with over 15 years of environmental and renewable energy experience. He is an Audubon TogetherGreen Conservation Leadership Fellow and an OpenIDEO Climate Innovator Fellow. He lives and works in San Francisco. Connect with him at and on Twitter at @AndreasKarelas.

From Andreas Karelas

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Gather we now into this space, this time when the Wheel turns and the Veil shatters. Gather we now to remember, to grieve, to prophesy, to complete our...

Invocation | By Andreas Karelas | June 6, 2022 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: #climatechange, 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), 7th Principle (Interconnected Web), Commitment, Community, Earth, Earth-Centered, Halloween, Imagination, Leadership, Meaning, Nature, Stewardship, UU Beliefs, Wonder

More Americans care about climate change than we thinkā€”but in order to unite around solutions, we need a bold, courageous new narrative about creating a sustainable world focused on a brighter tomorrow.

Book | By Andreas Karelas | From Beacon Press
Tagged as: Climate Change, Climate Justice, Climate Justice, Community, Nature, Politics

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